Satisfactory save game

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Satisfactory save game

Post by Shub »

I propose to post and share your Satisfactory backups game on Trainers City.
As we can see here ... -Save-Game ... -Save-Game ... -Save-Game

To do this, just send me your save games in zip format
Your save game file is located here C:\Users\your name\AppData\Local\FactoryGame\Saved\SaveGames\

Only one backup of your save game per zip file, but you can send as many backups as you want.

If your backup uses mods / cheats please indicate this in a text file and you can also take and add screenshots in game and/or of your map here: (no need to leave resources..)
Which could give this:
Annotation 2020-07-12 182130.jpg
If you have any doubts or questions before sending your satisfactory save game, don't hesitate to ask by mail on in this forum!

Your backups should be sent to subject: satisfactory save game

Thank you
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>> Quand on voit ce qu'on voit, et qu'on entend ce qu'on entend, on a bien raison de penser ce qu'on pense... <<
>> L'avenir appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt, c'est une connerie. Prenez les éboueurs... (Jean Yanne) <<
>> Quand on pense qu'il suffirait que les gens n'achètent plus de saloperies pour que ça ne se vende pas ! <<
>>Ils ne savaient pas que c'était impossible, alors ils l'ont fait. (Mark Twain) <<
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